The Inspector Cluzo China Tour
Event Photos (By Andy Miller; Click to Enlarge)
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The Inspector Cluzo is French ‘funk’n’roll’ duo Laurent Lacrouts and Mathieu Jourdain. Since forming in 2007, TIC have earned raves for their vibrant blend of rock, jazz, funk and soul music. Their self-titled debut LP, recorded in Belgium with renowned producer Stephan Kraemer, became sleeper hit selling 20,000 copies around the world, in part due to the infectious single, “Fuck the Bass Player.”
In 2009, TIC played 185 shows in 23 countries around the world, including the Fuji Rock festival in Japan, Springscream in Taiwan, and Eurockéeenes in France. Back in France, the duo recorded their second album, ‘The French Bastards,’ showcasing a richer, more developed sound in beautiful handmade packaging that reminds us that The Inspector Cluzo is a bona fide indie band, handling their own management, recording and booking through their own company, Ter a Terre. ‘The French Bastards’ will be released worldwide in April 2010, including releases in Europe, Japan , China and U.S.A (by Red/Sony). The Inspector Cluzo will then embark on a new worldwide tour, including their first visit to China , where they’ll play Beijing ’s Strawberry Festival, plus additional dates in Beijing , Tianjin , Wuhan, and Shanghai.
Don’t miss the China Tour of funkiest rock band in the world (or is it the hardest-rocking funk band in the world?).
Thursday, April 29, 9pm
@ D-22
242 Chengfu Lu, Wudaokou
RMB 30 / 20 (with student ID)
Opening Act: Skarving & Cam Butler
Saturday, May 1
@ Strawberry Festival
Tongzhuo Canal Park
80 RMB per day / 180RMB for three day pass
Friday, April 30, 9pm
@ Club 13
Heibei District, Ziyou Dao Number 60, 3rd Floor
Opening Acts: K·Jell + Goldenboy + Ninth + Steinar
Ticket Prices: Students: 30 RMB, Door: 40 RMB
Sunday, May 2, 8pm
@ Vox
118 Lumo Road, Guoguang Tower Bldg. B, Luxiang, Wuchang
RMB 30
Opening Acts TBA
Monday, May 3, 8pm
@ Yuyintang
851 Kai Xuan Road, near Yan’an Road West
RMB 40
Opening Acts: Rainbow Danger Club
Yuyintang Contact: 137-8890-0955