“One of the most exceptional and historically influential bands today.” – Pitchfork
Music’s supreme innovators. Stereolab are visionaries, boundless in their horizons. They’re poetic, political, philosophical. Unmissable.
A China debut for this cosmic, celestial space-rock group has been on the cards for so very long now, and we couldn’t be more excited to say it’s finally happening. Stereolab have reunited after a decade in hiatus and they’re coming to our shores for two shows in March 2020.
A futuristic blast from the past. Their albums are timeless classics: Emperor Tomato Ketchup, Transient Random-Noise Bursts with Announcements, and more. Today they still sound ahead of their time, their influence reverberating in everyone from Deerhunter to Tyler, The Creator.
Thursday, March 19 2020 at Shanghai’s BUDX VAS and Saturday, March 21 at Beijing’s TANGO LIVE. Bossa nova, groove, jazz, psychedelia and kraut rock. With a side of the divine.
Formed in London in 1990 and led by the songwriting team of Tim Gane and Laetitia Sadier, Stereolab are recognized as “one of the era’s most creatively dynamic bands” (Pitchfork) and “one of the most influential groups of the 1990s” (LA Times). Throughout ten studio albums, the band developed into “a multi-limbed musical collective unafraid of the joys of pop melody but equally comfortable with wild experimentation” (FACT) whose impact on the omnivorous, genre-agnostic music of today is indisputable.
On early singles and albums such as 1993’s Transient Random-Noise Bursts with Announcements, Stereolab combined ’60s pop melodies with an art rock aesthetic borrowed from Krautrock bands like Faust and Neu!, but by the time of 1996’s Emperor Tomato Ketchup, their sound incorporated jazz, hip-hop, and dance. Their collaborations with John McEntire and Jim O’Rourke on albums such as 1997’s Dots and Loops and 2001’s Sound-Dust found Stereolab pursuing an increasingly intricate, experimental approach. Following the tragic 2002 death of member Mary Hansen, the band returned to a poppier style for later albums like 2008’s Chemical Chords.
Their unmistakable sound had a lasting impact: During the ’90s, indie contemporaries such as Pavement and Blur aped their style, while hip-hop artists such as J Dilla and Tyler the Creator sampled the band’s music or collaborated with its members.
With a sweeping set of reissues, Stereolab are back in the public consciousness in 2019 – ready to take their cosmic groove global. Next stop: China. Two-city tour. Thursday, March 19 2020 at Shanghai’s BUDX VASVAS LIVE and Saturday, March 21 at Beijing’s TANGO LIVE.
Stereolab Official Website: https://stereolab.co.uk/
“当今最杰出,也是历史上最有影响力的乐队之一。” – Pitchfork
这支space rock乐队追述天地玄黄,关乎宇宙洪荒,万千魅力无可比拟。对于这般宏大的浪漫,中国乐迷翘首期盼已久,如今终于要得偿所愿。在暂停活动10年后,Stereolab众人再续前缘,并将于2020年3月来到我们身边进行两场表演。
他们的专辑是来自过去的未来主义冲击,是超越时空的永恒经典:《Emperor Tomato Ketchup》《Transient Random – Noise Bursts with Announcements》和每一部充满实验精神的作品在今天看来都仍是意识超前的杰作;从Deerhunter到Tyler,The Creator,现今乐坛的每位先锋都从中受益匪浅。
2020年3月19日,周四,上海BUDX VAS;2020年3月21日,周六,北京糖果LIVE;来现场感受bossa nova的律动、jazz的自由、psychedelia的炫目、kraut rock的能量,在对无穷宇宙的一瞥间触到神圣的创造之力。
Stereolab于1990年在伦敦成立,由Tim Gane和Laetitia Sadier组成词曲创作核心,被认为是“本时代最具创新活力的乐队之一”(Pitchfork)和“90年代最具影响力的乐队之一”(《洛杉矶时报》 )。过去十张录音室专辑见证了乐队逐步发展成为“一支既不排斥流行欢乐旋律,又同样欣然接受狂放大胆实验的,千手、千面的音乐团体”(《FACT》)。其对当今杂食性、不可分类的音乐趋势有着无可争议的影响。
在如1993年《Transient Random – Noise Bursts with Announcements》等早期的专辑和单曲中,Stereolab将60年代流行音乐与从诸如“Faust”和“Neu!”等德国经典krautrock乐队处借来的艺术摇滚美学相结合;到了1996年,专辑《Emperor Tomato Ketchup》融合了爵士、嘻哈和舞曲等元素;在分别与John McEntire(Tortoise)和Jim O’Rourke(Gastr Del Sol、Sonic Youth)合作,先后发表于1997年和2001年的《Dots and Loops》和《Sound-Dust》中不难发现,乐队逐渐开始更多探求音乐复杂、深奥的实验性。 2002年起,随着乐队成员Mary Hansen的不幸辞世,乐队显露出恢复波普风格的倾向,发行了诸如2008年的《Chemical Chords》等后续专辑。
他们绝无仅有的声音对当代音乐的发展产生了深远影响:在90年代,诸如“Pavement”“Blur”等独立乐队对他们不无风格上的效仿;诸如“J Dilla”和“Tyler, the Creator”等说唱歌手则对他们的音乐进行了采样,或干脆与乐队成员直接展开合作。
伴随着一波乐队经典专辑的再版热潮,Stereolab在2019年重回公众视线,并准备好要将他们的宇宙律动带到全球。下一站:中国——2020年3月19日,星期四,在上海的BUDX VAS;3月21日,星期六,在北京的糖果LIVE;Stereolab充满宇宙脉冲的神奇创造力,将通过他们机巧无双的音乐,如圣光般洒向每一位听众。
Stereolab官网 https://stereolab.co.uk/