Following the aftermath of the release of ‘II’, an album that marks the return from a journey of rampant hedonism and desperate isolation, Unknown Mortal Orchestra finally hits the stage in China.
Fusing Barrett and Hendrix to RZA and The Beatles, UMO’s self-titled debut album received critical acclaim for multi-instrumentalist Ruban Nielson’s expert use of space, and the uniquely immersive and psychedelic quality of his songs. The debut album marked the completion of a journey that took Nielson from a cryptic, anonymous bedroom project borne of disillusionment and private amusement, to leader of a hard-touring, hard-living band.
Focus, inspiration and dedication streamlined his vibrant imagination during the recording of ‘II’, and extra time spent on the songs (compared with his previous one-night-one-song approach) gives the instruments space to flick between woozy stumble and nimble canter, highlighting the emotional turmoil that led to the revelatory bleakness of the lyrics.
Unknown Mortal Orchestra – From the Sun
[vsw id=”http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTYzNzA4OTQw/v.swf” source=”youku” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
The once closeted, home-recorded concern of Ruban Nielson, UMO is now a mature band operating at the peak of its powers. With an album that uses Nielson’s singular musical imagination and extraordinary talent to parade his emotions and unyielding honesty, we are sure audiences at these shows will be captivated, and taken on a beat-heavy 60s psych journey that’ll leave fans feeling warm and fuzzy.
Date: WED, 15th January, 2014
Show: 8:30PM
Venue: Yuyintang
Address: 851 Kaixuan Rd., near Yan’an Xi Rd.
Support: Friend or Foe
Tickets: RMB100 (door) RMB60 (Student)
Show Hashtag: #UMOCN
Date: THU, Jan 16th, 2014
Show: 8:30PM
Venue: Mao Livehouse
Address: No. 111 Gulou Dong Dajie
Support: The Big Wave
Tickets: RMB100 (door) RMB60 (Student)
Show Hashtag: #UMOCN

Artist website: unknownmortalorchestra.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unknownmortalorchestra