Join us for JUE | Music + Art 2012!| March 9-25


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What is JUE | Music + Art?

觉 / JUE (pronounced joo-eh) –verb: to sense; to awaken

JUE | Music + Art is an annual open-source arts and music festival in both Shanghai and Beijing, presented by Split Works. Now in its fourth year, JUE is all about celebrating the best of the local creative communities in these two great cities, and inviting artists from around the world to showcase their talent in China.

JUE events are held at a variety of locations throughout Beijing and Shanghai over a three-week period. Performance art, film, spoken word, street art, workshops, photography exhibitions, live music, madness… all of these things and more fall under the mammoth umbrella that is JUE.

JUE is a collaborative, open-source affair. Each individual event organizer is entitled to set their own entrance fee and to keep 100% of the proceeds. Split Works doesn’t take a cut, but we will work extremely hard to buzz your event through our media partners, online marketing, and street teams. In exchange, we ask that all official JUE event partners work to promote the festival according to the Partner Requirements listed below.

JUE is growing tremendously year-on-year. The 2011 festival drew over 32,000 attendees to 91 events! But we always strive to maintain a strong sense of community, an intimate vibe, and a top-tier selection of artists and events.

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我们欢迎怀抱热情的各行各业人士和组织来加入我们的行列,让2012年的《觉》成为历年来最盛大、最精彩的 一届《觉》!


初步联系及调查截止时间: 2011年12月5日,周一


艺术家、表演者,场馆负责人:或许您已经计划好了2012年3月的活动,并想让《觉》成为该活动获得更多 曝光的推广平台。我们很乐意您的加入!

场地负责人:我们可以坐下谈谈这次的合作方式及活动规划,让您的场地在《觉》期间吸引到更多的人。 使馆和领事馆: 《觉》是能让一个国家的文化闪亮的理想平台。我们有与各国艺术家和音乐人丰富的合作经 验,诚挚欢迎您来和我们畅谈各种合作方式。



How can I get involved?

We welcome passionate souls and organizations of all stripes to get involved in making JUE 2012 the biggest and best JUE yet! Get in touch and let us know what you’ve got percolating for JUE 2012.

Deadline for Initial Inquiries: Monday, Dec. 5, 2011
Final Deadline for Event Submissions: Friday, Jan. 6, 2012
Beijing Submissions:
Shanghai Submissions:

There are a variety of ways for you to get involved in JUE:

Artists, Performers, Curators: Perhaps you’ve already got an event planned for March 2012, and you’d like to use JUE as a platform to gain wider recognition. We want to hear from you!

Venue Managers: Let’s talk about how we can work together to programme events and drive traffic to your space over the course of JUE.

Embassies and Consulates: JUE is an ideal platform to shine a spotlight on your country’s culture. We have worked with artists from all over the globe, and would love to speak to you about how we can work together!

Brands, Funding Organisations, Patrons of the Arts: Contact us to find out more about how you can support China’s largest open-source cultural festival.

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Here’s a look back at the awesomeness we accomplished together during these past 3 years of JUE:


初步联系及调查截止时间: 2011年12月5日,周一


  • Logo捆绑:在你的活动的所有宣传品(传单、海报、新闻邮件等)中包含《觉》logo和链接。
  • 在活动现场入口张贴《觉》海报:在艺术节开始前1-2周时,我们会在你的活动场馆门口或周边张贴“《觉》官方指定场馆”海报。我们要求你在《觉》举办期间将其一直张贴在场馆入口处或入口附近。海报大小应为A0。如果你想张贴A1或A2大小的海报,请提前电邮我们。
  • 向你的熟人发送《觉》新闻邮件:从二月开始我们会向你提供一份《觉》新闻邮件的内容,我们要求你将这份邮件发给你的联系人们。
  • 派发节目单:在二月份我们也会向你提供纸版《觉》节目单。我们要求你在你的演出场馆明显的地方派发这些节目单。

Event Partner Requirements:

Deadline for Initial Inquiries: Monday, Dec. 5, 2011
Final Deadline for Event Submissions: Friday, Jan. 6, 2012
Beijing Submissions:
Shanghai Submissions:

We require our participants’ support in promoting JUE in the following ways:

  • Logo Tie-in: Including the JUE logo and link to on all of your own communications (flyers, posters, newsletters, etc.) surrounding your event.
  • JUE Poster at Venue Entrance: 1-2 weeks before the start of the festival, we will hang a “JUE Official Venue” poster in or near the entry of your venue. We ask that you display it in or near the entrance of your event venue for the duration of JUE. The poster will be size A0. If you would prefer a size A1 or A2 poster, please let us know by email.
  • Newsletter to Your Contacts: In February we will supply you with the content of 1 JUE email newsletter, which we ask that you send to your own database of contacts.
  • Programme Distribution: In February we will also supply you with fold-out JUE programmes. We ask that you display them in your event venue in a prominent position.

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答:每一个独立的活动组织方都有权确定自己的入场门票价格并100%保留自己的收益。Split Works并不从中提成。








答:如果你有场地却没有艺术家的话,你还是有很多可以加入到我们中来的途径哦。我们有很多“无家可归”的艺术家,他们需要一个表演场地或者展览地点。如果你愿意免费为《觉》提供活动场所的话,请给 或 beijingjue@spli-t.com邮件告知我们。





Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Who gets the event entrance fees?

A: Each event organizer is entitled to set their own entrance fee and to keep 100% of the proceeds. Split Works doesn’t take a cut.

Q: Will there be sponsorship involved?

A: We are looking for sponsorship, which if found will be used for flights and hotel accommodations for visiting artists, administrative costs of operating the festival, media and promotions, and bursaries to a select group of artists, musicians, galleries, promoters, curators etc.

Q: JUE sounds cool, but I already have an event planned for March. Does this mean I can’t be involved in JUE?

A: Au contraire. If you already have an event planned during the JUE time period, we encourage you to submit the event info to us according to our submission guidelines. We will review your submission and, if we see a fit, then we will be delighted to help promote your event as a part of JUE.

Q: What if my event starts before March 9 / ends after March 25 / does not last for the duration of JUE. Can I still be involved?

A: Absolutely. As long as your event overlaps with the JUE dates (March 9-25, 2012) for at least 1 day, you are welcome to submit your event to us for consideration for JUE.

Q: JUE sounds rad, but I am a venue manager who does not have any idea about what sort of event to hold during the JUE time period. How can I get involved?

A: If you have the venue, but not the artists to fill it, there are still plenty of ways to be involved in JUE. We have lots of “homeless” JUE artists who are in need of a venue to host their exhibitions. If you are interested in providing a free venue space for JUE, please send us an email to or and let us know.

Q: I’m an artist and would love to exhibit my stuff as a part of JUE, but I don’t know of any venues willing to host my exhibition. Can you help?

A: Send us your event submission, and we will be very happy to review it and to reach out to our contacts in the arts community to see if we can help you find a venue for your event.

Q: I submitted my event but haven’t heard anything back. What’s the deal?

A: Thanks for your submission! We will review your proposal and get back to you asap, typically within 5 business days. If we take longer than this, please feel free to follow up and remind us – your letter may have been lost in the mail!

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过往参与者 | Past Participants

艺术家 + 合作伙伴 Artists + Partners:

24 Hours
5th Wall 演艺团队 | Fifth Wall
Acid Pony Club
Akbar Abliz
Alexandra Diez de Riviera
An Xiao
Andreas Golder
Anita Hawkins
Antonio Argueta
AV大久保 | AV Okubo
Baiba Ladiga
Benjamin Zephaniah
Bradford Kessler
Bryan Lasky
Carsick Cars
Ceilen Lau
Chan Hyo Bae
Cheng Wenjie
Cónal Creedon
Creative Hunt
Davida Kidd
Dead Elvis & His One Man Grave
Dead J
Desert Fuck Eagle
Dyce Productions
Eleonora Tugues
Emmanuel Mieville
Eric Leleu
Fabria Alam
Fabrice Guyot
Funky Fingers
Gus MacMilan
HAL Publishing
Huang Liang
IZ 乐队
Jason Lasky
Jay Soul
JD Twitch (Optimo)
Jean Le Guyader
Jin Shan
Julie Doiron
Kehinde Wiley
Kelly-Lee Hickey
Kyung Soo Kim
Laurent Jeanneau
Lil Ray
Lv Guangang
Ma Weihong
Mark Zhang
Matt Carols
Matt LuMatthew Niederhauser
ME 灌 ME | The ME GUAN ME’s
Michael Beets
Monika Lin
Nina Davenport
Nini Sum
Nunu Kong
Oh Hein Kuhn
Ólafur Arnalds
Omar Musa
Ourself Beside Me
People’s Republic of Comedy
Pete Bradt
Rainbow Danger Club
Rose Tang
Ruben Malchow
Seldon Yuan
Shiau Jon Jen
South Rakkas Crew
St. Vincent
Stefan Hensel
Steffi Jung
Steve Connell
Susan Stamm Evans
Susie Gordon
Terence Lloren
The Besnard Lakes
The Black Atlantic
The Flyx
The Jam Entertainment Agency
The Molds
The Whitest Boy Alive
Thomas Charveriat
Trippple Nippples
Tsewang Tashi
Vladimir Dubko
Wang Dongma
William Wegman
Willy Tsao
Winnie Sidhartha
Won Seoung Won
World’s End Girlfriend
Wu Yandan
Xiao Bo
Xu Shifu
Xu Yiming
Xue Zheng
Yan Jiaqing
Yu Yangyang
Zane Mellupe
Zhang Deli
Zhang Miao
Zheng Dongsheng
周轶伦 | Zhou Yilun
阿标 | Abiao
毕建业 | Bi Jianye
兵冰 | Bing Bing
不共识 | The Disagree
不优雅先生 | Mr. Graceless
蔡多宝 | Cai Duobao
草莓救星 | We Save Strawberries
陈航峰 | Chen Hangfeng
陈可 | Chen Ke
陈欣 | Chen Xin
宠物同谋 | Pet Conspiracy
吹万 | Chui Wan
丛龙飞 | Cong Longfei
大棒 | Bigger Bang!
戴牟雨 | Dai Mouyu
嘎调乐队 | The Gar
高佳妮 | Gao Jia Ni
郭鹏 | Guo Peng
过失 | Demerit
韩磊 | Han Lei
韩情 | Han Qing
杭盖 | Hanggai
和田义彦 | Yoshihiko Wada
红门创意 | Hongmen Art
胡国辉 | Hu Guohui
胡行易 | Hu Xing Yi
黄玠 | Dadado Huang
黄恺 | Huang Kai
黄喆 | Huang Zhe
黄致阳 | Huang Zhiyang
金闪 | Jin Shan
孔墨沙 | Kong Mosha
蓝正辉 | Lan Zhenghui
李翎溪 | Li Lingxi
李明 | Li Ming
梁晓雪 | Kulu
林辉华 | H.H. Lim
林枝枝 | Zhizhi Lin
刘瑾 | Liu Jin
刘韧 | Liu Ren
刘元捷 | Liu Yuan Jie
六岛 | Liu Dao
陆军 | Lu Jun
吕轶人 | Lv Yiren
罗尔奇 | Luo Er Qi
马丹 | Ma Dan
迷宫 | Maze
米拉奥加 | Milla-Kariina Oja
蘑菇团 | The Mushrooms
秋山幸 | Miyuki Akiyama
任芷田 | Ren Zhitian
桑茂林 | Sang Maolin
山人 | Shanren
山飒 | Shan Sa
双飞小组 | Double Drive Collective
苏哲贤 | Su Che-hsien
孙玮 | Sun Wei
孙逊 | Sun Xun
万能青年旅店 | Omnipotent Youth Hotel
王娟 | Wang Juan
王宁德 | Wang Ningde
王青 | Wang Qing
王婷婷 | Wang Tingting
王小奔 | Mora Wang
吴耿祯 | Wu Geng Zhen
吴俊勇 | Wu Junyong
吴卓玲 | Wu Zhuoling
伍宇娟 | Wu Yujuan
夏星 | Xia Xing
橡胶唱针 | Rubber Phonograph Needle
徐世君 | Xu Shijun
徐招兵 | Xu Zhaobing
徐喆 | Xu Zhe
徐志杰 | Xu Zhi Jie
许李莉 | Xu Li Li
鸭打鹅乐队 | Duck Fight Goose
闫玉龙 | Yan Yulong
阎秉会 | Yan Binghui
一舟 | Yi Zhou
婴野赋 | Ying Yefu
游思 | You Si
于娜 | YuNa
与非门 | Yufeimen
张国年 | Zhang Guonian
张诗浩 | Chairman Ca
张晓凯 | Zhang Xiaokai
张元 | Zhang Yuan

北京场地 Beijing Venues:

Block 8
ChART Contemporary
Jiang Music Bar
Mao 北京 | Mao Livehouse Beijing
School 酒吧 | School Bar
安妮画廊 | Anni Art
巴黎·北京画廊 | Galerie Paris Beijing
白兔俱乐部 | White Rabbit
北北库文创咖啡沙龙 | CNEX Salon
北京红子兰艺术中心 | Coco Lan Art Center
北京雷动天下现代舞团 | LDTX Studios
北京买得起艺术办公室 | Affordable Art Beijing
别处空间 | Beyond Art Space
昌阿特画廊 | Chang Art
程昕东当代艺术 | Xin Dong Cheng Space for Contemporary Art
床吧 | Bed Tapas & Bar
大风画廊 | Dafeng Gallery
灯笼俱乐部 | Lantern
东站画廊 | East Station Gallery
对画空间 | Dialogue Space
二十二院街艺术区 | 22 International Art Plaza
浮咖啡 |Fu Cafe
红盒子工作社 | RedBox Studio
红门画廊 | Red Gate Gallery
画家村画廊 | Artist Village Gallery
家作坊 | HomeShop
江湖酒吧 | Jianghu Bar
今日美术馆 | Today Art Museum
康嘉若画廊 | Goncharova Gallery
老书虫 | The Bookworm
两个好朋友 | 2 Kolegas
龙艺榜画廊 | Amelie Gallery
麻雀瓦舍 | Mako Livehouse
麦勒画廊 | Galerie Urs Meile
蓬蒿剧场 | Penghao Theatre
苹果艺术群落 | Pingod Art Community
奇遇花园咖啡馆 | Story Garden Cafe
全示艺术 | A Space
三影堂 | Three Shadows Photography Art Center
三潴画廊 | Mizuma One Gallery
首都剧场 | Capital Theater
糖果雍和店三层 | Tango 3rd Floor
星光现场音乐厅 | Star Live
虚空间 | Fake Space
艺术8 | Yishu 8
尤伦斯当代艺术中心 | Ullens Center for
Contemporary Art
愚公移山 | Yugong Yishan
缘分新媒体艺术空间 | Yuanfen New Media Art Space
站台中国 | Platform China
纸空间 | Paper Space

上海场地 Shanghai Venues:

140平方米画廊 | 140 sqm Gallery
6岛艺术中心 | Island6 Art Center
Art Labor Gallery
Dada 酒吧 | Dada Bar
Glamour Bar
LOgO 酒吧 | LOgO Bar
Lune 酒吧 | Lune
M97当代摄影画廊 | M97 Gallery
MAO 上海 | MAO Livehouse Shanghai
OV画廊 | OV Gallery
Shanghai Repertory Theatre
Smart Gallery
Southern Belle
安杰当代艺术画廊 | Andrew James Art Gallery
庇护所酒吧 | Shelter
博雅珊艺术中心 | Elisabeth de Brabant Art Center
对比窗艺廊 | Contrasts Gallery
非青计划 | FQ Projects Gallery
搞艺术画廊 | Stir Art Gallery
红寨画廊 | Studio Rouge
季风书园徐汇店 | Jifeng Books
可当代艺术中心 | Ke Center
阔客仕 | Crocus
马龙美式酒吧 | Malone’s American Cafe
南岸艺术中心 | River South Art Center
上海可当代艺术中心 | Ke Center for the Contemporary Arts
上海外滩英迪格酒店 | Hotel Indigo
西艺画廊 | Art in Capitals Gallery
喜玛拉雅美术馆 | Himalayas Art Museum
香格纳画廊 | ShanghART Gallery
新茶工作坊 | Neocha Studio
一个艺术 | ANART Space
艺术+上海 | Art+Shanghai
育音堂 | Yuyintang
芷江梦工场 | Zhijiang Dream Factory
周围艺术 | AroundSpace

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觉/ JUE, 动词:感知,觉醒。

《觉》音乐+艺术节是一年一度由Split Works在上海和北京两地举办的开源艺术音乐节。明年即将四岁的《觉》,一直致力于彰显这两座城市中最了不起的本土创意团体,并热情邀请来自于世界的优秀艺术家来到中国展示自己的才华。

在为期三周的节日里,《觉》活动将在北京和上海的一系列不同场馆中举行。表演艺术、电影、诵读音乐、街头艺术、工作室、摄影展、现场音乐会、还有些许疯狂… 所有这些都被容纳在《觉》宽容的怀抱中。

《觉》是一个强调合作、开源的活动。每一个独立的活动组织方都有权确定自己的入场门票价格并100%保留自己的收益。开功并不从中提成,但我们依然会尽最大努力通过我们的媒体伙伴、在线推销和街头宣传团队帮助推广你的活动。作为交换,我们要求所有《觉》的官方合作伙伴都依照合伙人要求中所罗列的事项 来帮助推广《觉》音乐+艺术节。

《觉》的发展每一年都在登上一个新的台阶。2011年的节日共举办了91场活动,吸引了32,000位观众!我们 一直坚持维持一种强烈的认同感,一种亲密的氛围,并坚持挑选最顶尖的艺术家和活动。

What is JUE | Music + Art?

觉 / JUE (pronounced joo-eh) –verb: to sense; to awaken

JUE | Music + Art is an annual open-source arts and music festival in both Shanghai and Beijing, presented by Split Works. Now in its fourth year, JUE is all about celebrating the best of the local creative communities in these two great cities, and inviting artists from around the world to showcase their talent in China.

JUE events are held at a variety of locations throughout Beijing and Shanghai over a three-week period. Performance art, film, spoken word, street art, workshops, photography exhibitions, live music, madness… all of these things and more fall under the mammoth umbrella that is JUE.

JUE is a collaborative, open-source affair. Each individual event organizer is entitled to set their own entrance fee and to keep 100% of the proceeds. Split Works doesn’t take a cut, but we will work extremely hard to buzz your event through our media partners, online marketing, and street teams. In exchange, we ask that all official JUE event partners work to promote the festival according to the Partner Requirements listed below.

JUE is growing tremendously year-on-year. The 2011 festival drew over 32,000 attendees to 91 events! But we always strive to maintain a strong sense of community, an intimate vibe, and a top-tier selection of artists and events.

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我们欢迎怀抱热情的各行各业人士和组织来加入我们的行列,让2012年的《觉》成为历年来最盛大、最精彩的 一届《觉》!


初步联系及调查截止时间: 2011年12月5日,周一


艺术家、表演者,场馆负责人:或许您已经计划好了2012年3月的活动,并想让《觉》成为该活动获得更多 曝光的推广平台。我们很乐意您的加入!

场地负责人:我们可以坐下谈谈这次的合作方式及活动规划,让您的场地在《觉》期间吸引到更多的人。 使馆和领事馆: 《觉》是能让一个国家的文化闪亮的理想平台。我们有与各国艺术家和音乐人丰富的合作经 验,诚挚欢迎您来和我们畅谈各种合作方式。



How can I get involved?

We welcome passionate souls and organizations of all stripes to get involved in making JUE 2012 the biggest and best JUE yet! Get in touch and let us know what you’ve got percolating for JUE 2012.

Deadline for Initial Inquiries: Monday, Dec. 5, 2011
Final Deadline for Event Submissions: Friday, Jan. 6, 2012
Beijing Submissions:
Shanghai Submissions:

There are a variety of ways for you to get involved in JUE:

Artists, Performers, Curators: Perhaps you’ve already got an event planned for March 2012, and you’d like to use JUE as a platform to gain wider recognition. We want to hear from you!

Venue Managers: Let’s talk about how we can work together to programme events and drive traffic to your space over the course of JUE.

Embassies and Consulates: JUE is an ideal platform to shine a spotlight on your country’s culture. We have worked with artists from all over the globe, and would love to speak to you about how we can work together!

Brands, Funding Organisations, Patrons of the Arts: Contact us to find out more about how you can support China’s largest open-source cultural festival.

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Here’s a look back at the awesomeness we accomplished together during these past 3 years of JUE:


初步联系及调查截止时间: 2011年12月5日,周一


  • Logo捆绑:在你的活动的所有宣传品(传单、海报、新闻邮件等)中包含《觉》logo和链接。
  • 在活动现场入口张贴《觉》海报:在艺术节开始前1-2周时,我们会在你的活动场馆门口或周边张贴“《觉》官方指定场馆”海报。我们要求你在《觉》举办期间将其一直张贴在场馆入口处或入口附近。海报大小应为A0。如果你想张贴A1或A2大小的海报,请提前电邮我们。
  • 向你的熟人发送《觉》新闻邮件:从二月开始我们会向你提供一份《觉》新闻邮件的内容,我们要求你将这份邮件发给你的联系人们。
  • 派发节目单:在二月份我们也会向你提供纸版《觉》节目单。我们要求你在你的演出场馆明显的地方派发这些节目单。

Event Partner Requirements:

Deadline for Initial Inquiries: Monday, Dec. 5, 2011
Final Deadline for Event Submissions: Friday, Jan. 6, 2012
Beijing Submissions:
Shanghai Submissions:

We require our participants’ support in promoting JUE in the following ways:

  • Logo Tie-in: Including the JUE logo and link to on all of your own communications (flyers, posters, newsletters, etc.) surrounding your event.
  • JUE Poster at Venue Entrance: 1-2 weeks before the start of the festival, we will hang a “JUE Official Venue” poster in or near the entry of your venue. We ask that you display it in or near the entrance of your event venue for the duration of JUE. The poster will be size A0. If you would prefer a size A1 or A2 poster, please let us know by email.
  • Newsletter to Your Contacts: In February we will supply you with the content of 1 JUE email newsletter, which we ask that you send to your own database of contacts.
  • Programme Distribution: In February we will also supply you with fold-out JUE programmes. We ask that you display them in your event venue in a prominent position.

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答:每一个独立的活动组织方都有权确定自己的入场门票价格并100%保留自己的收益。Split Works并不从中提成。








答:如果你有场地却没有艺术家的话,你还是有很多可以加入到我们中来的途径哦。我们有很多“无家可归”的艺术家,他们需要一个表演场地或者展览地点。如果你愿意免费为《觉》提供活动场所的话,请给 或 beijingjue@spli-t.com邮件告知我们。





Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Who gets the event entrance fees?

A: Each event organizer is entitled to set their own entrance fee and to keep 100% of the proceeds. Split Works doesn’t take a cut.

Q: Will there be sponsorship involved?

A: We are looking for sponsorship, which if found will be used for flights and hotel accommodations for visiting artists, administrative costs of operating the festival, media and promotions, and bursaries to a select group of artists, musicians, galleries, promoters, curators etc.

Q: JUE sounds cool, but I already have an event planned for March. Does this mean I can’t be involved in JUE?

A: Au contraire. If you already have an event planned during the JUE time period, we encourage you to submit the event info to us according to our submission guidelines. We will review your submission and, if we see a fit, then we will be delighted to help promote your event as a part of JUE.

Q: What if my event starts before March 9 / ends after March 25 / does not last for the duration of JUE. Can I still be involved?

A: Absolutely. As long as your event overlaps with the JUE dates (March 9-25, 2012) for at least 1 day, you are welcome to submit your event to us for consideration for JUE.

Q: JUE sounds rad, but I am a venue manager who does not have any idea about what sort of event to hold during the JUE time period. How can I get involved?

A: If you have the venue, but not the artists to fill it, there are still plenty of ways to be involved in JUE. We have lots of “homeless” JUE artists who are in need of a venue to host their exhibitions. If you are interested in providing a free venue space for JUE, please send us an email to or and let us know.

Q: I’m an artist and would love to exhibit my stuff as a part of JUE, but I don’t know of any venues willing to host my exhibition. Can you help?

A: Send us your event submission, and we will be very happy to review it and to reach out to our contacts in the arts community to see if we can help you find a venue for your event.

Q: I submitted my event but haven’t heard anything back. What’s the deal?

A: Thanks for your submission! We will review your proposal and get back to you asap, typically within 5 business days. If we take longer than this, please feel free to follow up and remind us – your letter may have been lost in the mail!

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过往参与者 | Past Participants

艺术家 + 合作伙伴 Artists + Partners:

24 Hours
5th Wall 演艺团队 | Fifth Wall
Acid Pony Club
Akbar Abliz
Alexandra Diez de Riviera
An Xiao
Andreas Golder
Anita Hawkins
Antonio Argueta
AV大久保 | AV Okubo
Baiba Ladiga
Benjamin Zephaniah
Bradford Kessler
Bryan Lasky
Carsick Cars
Ceilen Lau
Chan Hyo Bae
Cheng Wenjie
Cónal Creedon
Creative Hunt
Davida Kidd
Dead Elvis & His One Man Grave
Dead J
Desert Fuck Eagle
Dyce Productions
Eleonora Tugues
Emmanuel Mieville
Eric Leleu
Fabria Alam
Fabrice Guyot
Funky Fingers
Gus MacMilan
HAL Publishing
Huang Liang
IZ 乐队
Jason Lasky
Jay Soul
JD Twitch (Optimo)
Jean Le Guyader
Jin Shan
Julie Doiron
Kehinde Wiley
Kelly-Lee Hickey
Kyung Soo Kim
Laurent Jeanneau
Lil Ray
Lv Guangang
Ma Weihong
Mark Zhang
Matt Carols
Matt LuMatthew Niederhauser
ME 灌 ME | The ME GUAN ME’s
Michael Beets
Monika Lin
Nina Davenport
Nini Sum
Nunu Kong
Oh Hein Kuhn
Ólafur Arnalds
Omar Musa
Ourself Beside Me
People’s Republic of Comedy
Pete Bradt
Rainbow Danger Club
Rose Tang
Ruben Malchow
Seldon Yuan
Shiau Jon Jen
South Rakkas Crew
St. Vincent
Stefan Hensel
Steffi Jung
Steve Connell
Susan Stamm Evans
Susie Gordon
Terence Lloren
The Besnard Lakes
The Black Atlantic
The Flyx
The Jam Entertainment Agency
The Molds
The Whitest Boy Alive
Thomas Charveriat
Trippple Nippples
Tsewang Tashi
Vladimir Dubko
Wang Dongma
William Wegman
Willy Tsao
Winnie Sidhartha
Won Seoung Won
World’s End Girlfriend
Wu Yandan
Xiao Bo
Xu Shifu
Xu Yiming
Xue Zheng
Yan Jiaqing
Yu Yangyang
Zane Mellupe
Zhang Deli
Zhang Miao
Zheng Dongsheng
周轶伦 | Zhou Yilun
阿标 | Abiao
毕建业 | Bi Jianye
兵冰 | Bing Bing
不共识 | The Disagree
不优雅先生 | Mr. Graceless
蔡多宝 | Cai Duobao
草莓救星 | We Save Strawberries
陈航峰 | Chen Hangfeng
陈可 | Chen Ke
陈欣 | Chen Xin
宠物同谋 | Pet Conspiracy
吹万 | Chui Wan
丛龙飞 | Cong Longfei
大棒 | Bigger Bang!
戴牟雨 | Dai Mouyu
嘎调乐队 | The Gar
高佳妮 | Gao Jia Ni
郭鹏 | Guo Peng
过失 | Demerit
韩磊 | Han Lei
韩情 | Han Qing
杭盖 | Hanggai
和田义彦 | Yoshihiko Wada
红门创意 | Hongmen Art
胡国辉 | Hu Guohui
胡行易 | Hu Xing Yi
黄玠 | Dadado Huang
黄恺 | Huang Kai
黄喆 | Huang Zhe
黄致阳 | Huang Zhiyang
金闪 | Jin Shan
孔墨沙 | Kong Mosha
蓝正辉 | Lan Zhenghui
李翎溪 | Li Lingxi
李明 | Li Ming
梁晓雪 | Kulu
林辉华 | H.H. Lim
林枝枝 | Zhizhi Lin
刘瑾 | Liu Jin
刘韧 | Liu Ren
刘元捷 | Liu Yuan Jie
六岛 | Liu Dao
陆军 | Lu Jun
吕轶人 | Lv Yiren
罗尔奇 | Luo Er Qi
马丹 | Ma Dan
迷宫 | Maze
米拉奥加 | Milla-Kariina Oja
蘑菇团 | The Mushrooms
秋山幸 | Miyuki Akiyama
任芷田 | Ren Zhitian
桑茂林 | Sang Maolin
山人 | Shanren
山飒 | Shan Sa
双飞小组 | Double Drive Collective
苏哲贤 | Su Che-hsien
孙玮 | Sun Wei
孙逊 | Sun Xun
万能青年旅店 | Omnipotent Youth Hotel
王娟 | Wang Juan
王宁德 | Wang Ningde
王青 | Wang Qing
王婷婷 | Wang Tingting
王小奔 | Mora Wang
吴耿祯 | Wu Geng Zhen
吴俊勇 | Wu Junyong
吴卓玲 | Wu Zhuoling
伍宇娟 | Wu Yujuan
夏星 | Xia Xing
橡胶唱针 | Rubber Phonograph Needle
徐世君 | Xu Shijun
徐招兵 | Xu Zhaobing
徐喆 | Xu Zhe
徐志杰 | Xu Zhi Jie
许李莉 | Xu Li Li
鸭打鹅乐队 | Duck Fight Goose
闫玉龙 | Yan Yulong
阎秉会 | Yan Binghui
一舟 | Yi Zhou
婴野赋 | Ying Yefu
游思 | You Si
于娜 | YuNa
与非门 | Yufeimen
张国年 | Zhang Guonian
张诗浩 | Chairman Ca
张晓凯 | Zhang Xiaokai
张元 | Zhang Yuan

北京场地 Beijing Venues:

Block 8
ChART Contemporary
Jiang Music Bar
Mao 北京 | Mao Livehouse Beijing
School 酒吧 | School Bar
安妮画廊 | Anni Art
巴黎·北京画廊 | Galerie Paris Beijing
白兔俱乐部 | White Rabbit
北北库文创咖啡沙龙 | CNEX Salon
北京红子兰艺术中心 | Coco Lan Art Center
北京雷动天下现代舞团 | LDTX Studios
北京买得起艺术办公室 | Affordable Art Beijing
别处空间 | Beyond Art Space
昌阿特画廊 | Chang Art
程昕东当代艺术 | Xin Dong Cheng Space for Contemporary Art
床吧 | Bed Tapas & Bar
大风画廊 | Dafeng Gallery
灯笼俱乐部 | Lantern
东站画廊 | East Station Gallery
对画空间 | Dialogue Space
二十二院街艺术区 | 22 International Art Plaza
浮咖啡 |Fu Cafe
红盒子工作社 | RedBox Studio
红门画廊 | Red Gate Gallery
画家村画廊 | Artist Village Gallery
家作坊 | HomeShop
江湖酒吧 | Jianghu Bar
今日美术馆 | Today Art Museum
康嘉若画廊 | Goncharova Gallery
老书虫 | The Bookworm
两个好朋友 | 2 Kolegas
龙艺榜画廊 | Amelie Gallery
麻雀瓦舍 | Mako Livehouse
麦勒画廊 | Galerie Urs Meile
蓬蒿剧场 | Penghao Theatre
苹果艺术群落 | Pingod Art Community
奇遇花园咖啡馆 | Story Garden Cafe
全示艺术 | A Space
三影堂 | Three Shadows Photography Art Center
三潴画廊 | Mizuma One Gallery
首都剧场 | Capital Theater
糖果雍和店三层 | Tango 3rd Floor
星光现场音乐厅 | Star Live
虚空间 | Fake Space
艺术8 | Yishu 8
尤伦斯当代艺术中心 | Ullens Center for
Contemporary Art
愚公移山 | Yugong Yishan
缘分新媒体艺术空间 | Yuanfen New Media Art Space
站台中国 | Platform China
纸空间 | Paper Space

上海场地 Shanghai Venues:

140平方米画廊 | 140 sqm Gallery
6岛艺术中心 | Island6 Art Center
Art Labor Gallery
Dada 酒吧 | Dada Bar
Glamour Bar
LOgO 酒吧 | LOgO Bar
Lune 酒吧 | Lune
M97当代摄影画廊 | M97 Gallery
MAO 上海 | MAO Livehouse Shanghai
OV画廊 | OV Gallery
Shanghai Repertory Theatre
Smart Gallery
Southern Belle
安杰当代艺术画廊 | Andrew James Art Gallery
庇护所酒吧 | Shelter
博雅珊艺术中心 | Elisabeth de Brabant Art Center
对比窗艺廊 | Contrasts Gallery
非青计划 | FQ Projects Gallery
搞艺术画廊 | Stir Art Gallery
红寨画廊 | Studio Rouge
季风书园徐汇店 | Jifeng Books
可当代艺术中心 | Ke Center
阔客仕 | Crocus
马龙美式酒吧 | Malone’s American Cafe
南岸艺术中心 | River South Art Center
上海可当代艺术中心 | Ke Center for the Contemporary Arts
上海外滩英迪格酒店 | Hotel Indigo
西艺画廊 | Art in Capitals Gallery
喜玛拉雅美术馆 | Himalayas Art Museum
香格纳画廊 | ShanghART Gallery
新茶工作坊 | Neocha Studio
一个艺术 | ANART Space
艺术+上海 | Art+Shanghai
育音堂 | Yuyintang
芷江梦工场 | Zhijiang Dream Factory
周围艺术 | AroundSpace

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