MIKA EVENT UPDATE: Beijing PSB / Venue Decision to Split the Show

Dear MIKA fans,

Some of you will have heard about the complications surrounding our MIKA Beijing show at HIT FM LIVE (Tango 3F).

We are terribly sorry but on the morning of the show, we were informed that the Beijing City Public Security Bureau & HIT FM LIVE (Tango 3F) have decided to split the Mika Show tonight into 2 separate shows.  

As most of you know, we have hosted large events at HIT FM LIVE (Tango 3F) before, without issue (The Fray, Godspeed You! Black Emperor and The Lumineers etc.). Tonight however, there are concerns about public safety and this is the solution that we have been given.

For fairness, every ticket has been randomly allocated to 1 of the 2 shows.  The first show is set to take place at 8pm. The second show is set to take place at 10pm.

We understand that your allocated time might not be ideal. For this we apologize from the bottom of our hearts, but the decision is totally out of our control.

It is very important that you show up at the right show, as your ticket is only valid for the show that you have been allocated to, and this will be carefully checked before entry is granted.

Please present your Yoopay tickets AND text messages at the allotted time.  If you have bought a ticket and have not received an email and/or text, please call us on 021 64450500 or 021 6445 1156 or 021 6466 9510.

We also ask that you do not linger around the venue when the show is over as this may cause anxiety for the PSB.

The venue has provided a statement that further explains the situation (see below).

Once again, we are doing what we can to make as many people as possible happy. Thank you very much for your understanding and continued support during this difficult time.

Rock on,

Split Works Team

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