JUE | Music + Art 2015 Presents: Awesome Tapes from Africa

Awesome Tapes from Africa have been the best new thing of 2013. Brian Shimkovitz and his project have brought to the music industry a brand new breath of fresh air, introducing to western society the best independent African music of the last thirty years.”  – The Upcoming

JUE | Music + Art is bringing cassette culture back to China come this March with Awesome Tapes from Africa. Since 2006, Brian Shimkovitz’s Awesome Tapes From Africa blog has been shedding light on obscure and wonderful sounds from across the African continent. As a DJ, he travels from club to festival to DIY space, bringing the blog to life with 2-3 hour sets blending folkloric pop, left-field dancefloor gems, and hip-hop beats he’s collected from African marketplace finds.

In 2011 ATFA developed into a critically acclaimed vinyl label, re-releasing records by African artists such as Bola, Dur-Dur Band, Hailu Mergia, and Penny Penny. The label plays an essential role in furthering Brian’s mission to build an international audience for African music through touring and re-issues.

Drawing on his vast African cassette archive—which includes highlife, fuji, benga, tsonga disco, soukous, hip-hop, rhumba, and ethio-soul among countless other genres—Brian’s role now combines that of an educator, promoter and selector, allowing him to DJ across the world. HIs DJ sets on twin tape decks explore deep, regional sounds      neither heard nor seen anywhere            else.

Show Details


Date: March 17, 2015 – Tuesday



Support: American Booze

Venue: Yuyintang

Address: 851 Kaixuan Lu, near Yanan Xi Lu, Changning district
(长宁区凯旋 路851号, 近延安西路)


Date: March 19, 2015 – Thursday



Support: Ozone

Venue: Dada

Address: 206 Gulou Dong Dajie (below Temple Bar), Dongcheng district



JUE | Music + Art official website:www.juefestival.com

Awesome Tapes from Africa

Website: http://www.awesometapes.com/

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/awesometapesfromafrica

Boiler Room: http://boilerroom.tv/awesome-tapes-from-africa-80-min-mix/

About JUE | Music + Art:

觉 / JUE – to sense (as in: an assault on all 5 senses)

JUE | Music + Art was founded in 2009 to bring the creative communities of Shanghai & Beijing closer. Every year since then, promoters Split Works have pooled their resources with those of their favorite friends from across the artistic spectrum to present a multi-venue, multi-disciplinary romp across the middle of March. If you want a snapshot of where China is creatively, you could do worse than spending a week at JUE | Music + Art.

“JUE sneaks into the city streets and lights the creative torch ablaze. The freshest international artist and locally rooted creative join forces to switch on the creative pulse of the cities. When JUE is happening, the whole city seems alive” – Jetty @ Sina Weibo Music

We look forward to welcoming you…

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