7/19 & 21 Wooozy Community Films #6: The Story of Common People

Extra: Pitchfork TV presents Mac DeMarco’s short documentary film “Pepperoni Playboy”

Exlusive Chinese and English subtitle. Free for entry

July 19, 2014, Saturday, 2PM

Shanghai, 390 Bar
Beijing, XP
Wuhan, Dameng Cafe (Guanggu)
Xi’An, Zoo Bar

July 21, 2014, Monday, 8PM

Nanjing, Sculpting In Time Cafe (Nanjing University Area C)
Shenzhen, Old Heaven Bookstore
Xiamen, Cho’s Coffee
Guangzhou, The Oh!Yeah Cafe

【The Story of Common People】

After the dust settled on the 90s Britpop phenomenon, one song stood head and shoulders above all others penned at the time…

That song was Common People, and it was written by Sheffield anti-popstar Jarvis Cocker.

The Story of Common People takes a forensic look at the seminal track, and attempts to shed light on its inspiration, its lyrics, and the man who wrote them.

【Pepperoni Playboy】

Mac DeMarco released Salad Days early this year, and in the last year or so has gained a large following. Pepperoni Playboy is a short documentary on the musician that gives you a look into his recording space, the process of making that new record, and lots of self-shot footage of him and his band goofing around. Most of all it lets you spend 30 minutes or so soaking in DeMarco’s funny personality and all around charisma.

【Wooozy Community Film】

Wooozy Community Films are a new initiative started by Wooozy.cn, with the first screenings happening in Beijing and Shanghai November 2011. The impetus for these events comes from our knowledge of many groundbreaking music documentaries which music fans in Mainland China have found difficult to access. Therefore, the Wooozy Community Films fill that gap: music documentaries, subtitled in Chinese.

Every a few months, we will hold a screening in the cities. Not just movies, the film screenings will also include post-film discussions, cultural salons, appearances by special industry guests and more. We hope that the screenings will foster a sense of community and camaraderie between music fans in each city.

【Related Links】
Wooozy website:http://www.wooozy.cn
Wooozy weibo:http://weibo.com/wooozy

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