“观看MIKA的演出就像猛然跌入了异次元……那里的生活就好似一部大型儿童电视节目般轻快” ——《每日电讯报》
“Watching Mika live is like stumbling into an alternate dimension…[where] life is one big children’s television show.” ——The Telegraph
众望所归,MIKA 要回来了。
Of course, MIKA is back.

自从上次巡演大获成功,这位格莱美提名的唱作人一直期盼着再度回到中国,而如今他势必将带着三倍的欢乐、三倍耀眼的光芒和三倍响亮的歌声开启自己的第三次中国征程。 Ever since the last triumphant tour, the Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter has been itching to return, and MIKA’s third China journey will feature triple the glee, triple the glitter, and triple the singalongs.
He and his full entourage will leave a technicolour pop trail through the REVELATION TOUR’s long-awaited dates, with shows in Shenzhen and Hangzhou.

今年早些时候,MIKA 发行了精彩万分的新专辑《My Name is Michael Holbrook》。《PopMatters》评价说其包藏着“他最直戳人心的的巧妙辞藻和最上口的曲调” 。MIKA 就是要用这些令人“耳”醉神迷的单曲征服芳心万千,称霸舞池无数;他那令人热血沸腾的现场魔力将会让你彻夜嬉笑开怀,不由自主地加入那气势如虹的千人齐唱。
He’s got a brilliant new album, My name is Michael Holbrook, containing “his sharpest lyrical conceits and catchiest hooks” (PopMatters). He’s got a bunch of insanely catchy new singles, designed to conquer hearts and invade dance floors. And he’s still got that exhilarating live mojo – you’ll be grinning from ear-to-ear, and singing those irresistible choruses well into the night.
MIKA 音乐生涯的成功始于热门单曲《Grace Kelly》。收录了这首歌的处女专辑 《Life In Cartoon Motion》在发行之初就直冲英国及另外11个国家的音乐排行榜首位,并在全球取得了700万张销量的好成绩。 MIKA’s musical success began with the release of his hit single, “Grace Kelly”. The single was featured on his debut album, Life In Cartoon Motion, which went straight to #1 in the UK and 11 other countries, going on to sell over 7 million copies worldwide.
唱片大卖的同时,MIKA 不仅获得过“全英音乐奖——年度最具突破艺人”奖项,更受到了“格莱美奖”,“MTV 欧洲音乐大奖”,“首都广播电台大奖”和“世界音乐大奖”等各类奖项的提名。另外,他在 RA12 频道黄金时间的综艺节目《Stasera Casa Mika》于2017年还获得了大名鼎鼎的“金玫瑰电视节大奖——最佳娱乐节目”奖。他已经在法国版《好声音》中担任了六年的评委,并且在 BBC 2 广播台主持自己的节目 《The Art of Song》。 In addition, MIKA has not only won a Brit Award for British Breakthrough Act, but he has been nominated for Grammys, MTV Europe Music Awards, Capital Radio Awards and World Music Awards. Additionally, his RA12 prime time variety show “Stasera Casa Mika” won the prestigious Rose D’or Award for Best Entertainment Series in 2017. He has been a judge on France’s The Voice for six years and hosts his own BBC2 Radio show “The Art of Song”.

在最新的个人专辑《My Name Is Michael Holbrook》,MIKA 用色彩纷呈、如梦似幻的另类流行乐趣味精巧地打造出一个属于成年人的、苦情又浪漫的世界。这张专辑不仅收录了《Ice Cream》这首有着90年代英伦金曲风味的先导单曲,还包含 MIKA 写过的最私人、最内省的歌曲之一——《Tiny Love》。在最新推出的一首热门单曲中,MIKA 则大玩 electro-tropical 风格,以一首《Sanremo》释放夏日高温能量,向所有听众发出前往自己魔幻现实世界的邀请。
With My Name Is Michael Holbrook, MIKA has crafted a world of gritty romance amidst the playfulness of technicoloured alternative pop. The album features previously released singles “Ice Cream”, a 90s inspired pop anthem, as well as “Tiny Love” – one of the most intimate and introspective songs MIKA has ever written. His most recent single, electro-tropical hit “Sanremo” is a track full of energy that shimmers with the heat of the summer and invites listeners into MIKA’s familiar world of magic realism.